When friends get you loads of home grown fresh lemons, you do not just want to use them for your regular stuff. You want to make something that will last for few days. Which will bring smile on your face every time you use it.
That is what i did when my friends got me this really freshly picked lemons from their farm. I wanted to either make syrup or pickle which i can enjoy at least over few days. And that is when i decided to go with Ginger Lemon Syrup. My son loved it and so did I. Where i thought it will last few days and me and my son have been having it at least twice a day. It might just last one more day 🙂
Ginger Lime Syrup is a concentrate that you can make and store it in bottles. Mix them up with water whenever you desire and enjoy. It makes life so much more easier to make these and store.
Recipe inspired by Kilner.
500 ml – Freshly squeezed lemon juice
500ml – Water
1/2 cup – Sugar
1 tsp – Freshly Grated Ginger
1 no – Vanilla Bean
1/2 tsp – Salt
Freshly grated zest of 2 lemons
Sterilise the bottles in which you want to store the Ginger Lime Syrup. Make sure they are air tight bottles.
To make Ginger Lime Syrup, boil sugar and water in a saucepan. Slit and add the vanilla bean and grated ginger to this.
Add the lemon zest and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.
Add the lemon juice and boil it for an other couple of minutes. Do not over boil as it might end up tasting bitter.
Pour this through a fine strainer into a jug.
Immediately pour these into the sterilised bottles using a funnel.
Close the lids immediately and let it sit on the platform and cool.
Tag them off and refrigerate for later use.
To serve add the Ginger Lemon Syrup to chilled water and serve.
You could even add Chia seeds to this.
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A life saver in humid Mumbai summers.
True ?