I am more fond of Tea cakes than cakes that have frosting or any kind of sauce. This Spice tea cake that I had booked marked a couple of years ago from Pretty.Simple.Sweet is my favourite. The Spice tea cake is so flavourful and is extremely moist. You can see the crumbs and you will…
BESt and Simple Banana Bread
Best and Simple Banana Bread is all we need at this time when all of us are locked down in our houses and when we have so much to do. Best and simple banana bread, as the name suggests is best because it has the perfect texture and simple because it is almost one bowl…
PUMpkin Bundt Cake / Autumn Recipe / Holloween Recipe
Pumpking Bundt Cake are these moist, super yum cakes rolled in cinnamon sugar. These are perfect when they are warm and had with some coffee. Its raining pumpkin on social media and I HAD to make few recipes as well. I made a huge batch of Pumpkin Puree which I can use in various dishes….
GENoise – Basic Sponge Cake Recipe
Genoise Cake or Genoese cake or Genovese cake is an Italian basic sponge cake named after the city of Genoa and associated with italian and french cuisine. This Basic Sponge cake is rich, delicate cake forms the basis for many filled, frosted, and glazed cakes. In a Genoise cake, instead of using chemical leaving, air is suspended in the batter through mixing to give volume to the cake. Genoise cake, this…
BANana Bread
Banana Bread, is so simple to make and tastes simple too. I make these every weekend, and I pack two slices in the snack box everyday. You can make it elaborate by making a caramel sauce to go with it and top it with banana slices and some toasted nuts. I buy 12 bananas a…
CHOcolate Swiss Roll
Chocolate Swiss Roll, the most amazing, classy looking cake. This cake looks beautiful when served on the table and will surely be a show stopper. This cake requires a little practice in the beginning, but once you know how it works, It is very simple and easy to make. Swiss Roll can be made in…
STIcky Date Pudding
This is by far the best Sticky Date Pudding that i have had. The best dark and sticky pudding. I make it in two different ways. I bake the cake and make the sauce to serve over it or i pour it over it and bake to make it more stickier. Ingredients…
BASic Vanilla Cupcake
My mom always told me that if you teach your kids to cook, they will always respect what has been put on the plate. I remember the times I cooked with my mum or my aunts as a kid. They are such fond memories. They were so patient with us. And i believe…
FRUit Cake
I usually soak so much of dry fruits that i make Fruit Cake all winters. I love this cake and don’t mind storing this cake all the time. I try and use different recipes. This gives me am option to decide one best recipe. I love this dense, boozy , Fruit Cake as is….
PLUm Cake – Kerala Style
Kerala Style Plum Cake is one cake that I don’t ever experiment with and bake it every single year. Baking the cake a month or couple in advance enriches its taste. Feeding it with rum till Xmas makes it boozy, rich, dark. And the whole process takes it to a different level. Made this Plum…