  • 1ltr – Yogurt
  • ¼ cup – Powdered Sugar
  • 1 tsp – Kesar / Saffron
  • 2 no – Elaichi/ Cardamom (powdered)
  • ¼ cup – Milk
  • 4 no – Sliced Pistachios
  1. In a muslin cloth hang the yogurt atleast for 4 hours, till all the whey water is drained from it. I leave it for 4 hours to drain and i leave the bundle, untied in the fridge overnight.
  2. This drains the last bit of the whey out of the yogurt.
  3. Heat the milk in a saucepan and soak the saffron in it. Let it bleed well.
  4. In a bowl mix the hung curd and saffron milk , elaichi powder and mix well using a ballon whisk, whisk till the mixture blends well. To this add the sugar powder gradually and mix. Keep tasting while adding sugar, so you can control the sweetness according to your liking. Whisk it well till the mixture turns smooth and silky. Add more milk in case the mixture is too thick.
  5. Refrigerate and serve it cold with some sliced almonds, elaichi powder and few strands of saffron sprinkled on top.
Recipe by MADaboutkitchen at